4 Piece Facial Razor Set

75 ₪
Upon Order
على الطلب

Product Details 

What it is: A set of four high-quality facial razors. Seamlessly remove facial hair and peach fuzz for a smoother-looking complexion.

Skin Type:
Normal, Dry, Combination, and Oily

Skincare Concerns: Dullness and Uneven Texture

What Else You Need to Know: Gently remove facial hair and "peach fuzz" in the direction of hair growth. Shape, clean up, and groom brows. The handle's slight curve allows for comfortable, close and precise shave. Comes in reusable and recyclable pouch perfect for travel. Relax knowing your close ups are picture perfect.

How to Use

Suggested Usage:
- Warning: Blades are very sharp. Keep out of reach of children. Replace safety covers when not in use.
- Best used on damp or moisturized skin for hair removal.
- Pull skin tight and gently glide the razor in the direction of hair growth, applying minimal pressure.
- It’s recommended to use a toner after shaving to seal open pores.

How long does delivery take?

استلام المنتج خلال 20 يوم تقريبا
upon order items:  Around 20 days.

instant delivery items: orders generally take between 2-4 working days.
How much does delivery cost?
Delivery within Ramallah 15 NIS, west bank 20 NIS, Jerusalem 30 NIS, 48 areas 60 NIS

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